Garden Design

    We count in our favor that in tropical countries like Costa Rica, we do not have extreme climates and we have a supply that could be said “infinite” of ornamental, floral, aromatic, fruit, medicinal plants … Let your imagination fly, and we advise you.

    The scope in garden design will depend, to a large extent, on the space that you have for cultivation: horizontal or vertical, in flowerpots, roofs or walls and, consequently, also on the available budget.

    Part of the guarantee that a job will be carried out to satisfaction, is the provision of the best plants; free of diseases and pests, deformations or damages, thanks to the fact that we source from the best, largest and most prestigious nurseries in Costa Rica.

    We will be happy to serve and include you in our portfolio of satisfied customers.

    Contact us for more information

    Complete the following form and we will gladly provide you with more information about our service.